Thursday, December 17, 2015

Can Tho Floating Market, Vietnam

Can Tho is the largest city in the southern  Vietnam or Mekong Delta region. It is known for its network of picturesque rural canals and nearby floating markets.

Cantho is also known for its floating market, bhuddhist pagodas, delicious food, fresh fruit and beauty of Mekong Delta. Its people have hospitality.

Tourists are fascinated not only by charming green of endless rivers, romantic canals, paddy fields in Cantho but also its diversity of tropical fruits such as papaya, mango, rambutan, longan, dragon fruit, sweet pineapple, melon...  

The floating market starts at 4 or 5 A.M. before dawn. Hundreds of small boats come to market with different kinds of fruits, foods. They serve guests on river with various breakfast dishes. Enjoying breakfast while sitting on boat is an impressive feeling.

Photos of Google

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